Why Should You Save Your Photos Today? Here Are the Top 10 Reasons!

Here’s my top 10 reasons to tackle those printed and digital photos! It’s not all inclusive, and you might have some other reasons, but here we go:
The Fun & Emotional Reasons
1. Photos celebrate life – you know they do! From birthdays to weddings, our camera has been with us for the most important moments of our life.
2. Photos connect generations – Do the children in your family resemble a grandparent or great grandparent as a child? Have you ever looked at old photos this way? And, what do children today know about life back then? Your old photos tell stories that words sometimes can’t describe.
3. Photos strengthen families – We know that looking at photos benefits children positively. When looking at old photos and sharing family stories, children can have improved feelings of belongness and connection. They also can have higher levels of resiliency and fewer behavior problems.
4. Photos inspire – Yes, your photos can inspire people to travel somewhere new. Use photos of your charitable work to raise funds for causes you love. There are many ways photos can inspire.
5. Photos help us relive our vacations. Going on a vacation takes us away from the daily grind. When’s the last time you looked through your vacation photos? You can remember all the places you saw, the funny stories of the trip and so much more. It’s like getting the money you spent on that vacation back again.
6. Photos remind you of what you’ve forgotten! Yes, it’s true. I can literally not remember what I did two weeks ago. Life is so busy and my mind fills up with the things I’ve got to get down for work and at home. When I look at the photos, I almost immediately smile at the moments I caught on camera.
Watch our YouTube Video on the 10 Reasons to Save Your Photos Today
Some More Important Reasons
7. Photos can be lost forever. Time, technology and disaster are waiting to steal your memories away. You probably can remember a time you lost an important photo. It can be heartbreaking. I know, because it has happened to me.
8. Preserve our ancestor’s legacy. Who will save your family’s history if you don’t? Your photos are a great starting especially if you’ve inherited a bunch from an older relative. It’s time to start digging in to figure out who is who.
9. Your parents are getting older (if you are fortunate enough to have them) – The older members of your family will not be with us forever. Spend time with them and start writing down what they know about old photos.
10. You aren’t getting any younger either! Life flies by so fast, it’s so important to take regular time to look through our photos to remember all the times together. And, sometimes, in an instant, we can lose someone. We all can identify with this, I imagine.
Save Some of Your Photos Today
If your photos are a mess, it’s going to be harder for people to see all the ways you’ve brought joy and love to the world. It’s time to save your photos today! Need routine motivation to keep on track with your memories? Click here to learn about The PIX PLAN.