Are Photo Sticks A Good Backup for Photos?

When it comes to keeping our photos safe, we all want the best solution. Are photo sticks the answer?
What Are Photo Sticks?
Photo sticks are tiny devices that have the power to back up your photos from the clutches of accidental deletion or loss. When you connect a photo stick to your computer, smartphone, or tablet, a program will be installed and you can back up all of your photos to the device. The program backs up your photos and videos to your device, seemingly skipping duplicates in some cases. Then you disconnect the stick and store it in a safe place until you need to back up more photos
Sounds easy, right? And they claimed to simplify the backup process and offer a sense of security. However, there are potential downsides that you might not have considered.
The Pitfalls of Relying on Photo Sticks
- False Sense of Security: When you use a photo stick to back up your photos, you might feel like everything's safe and sound. But this feeling can make you forget to back up your new pictures regularly, which can put them at risk.
- Duplicate Confusion: Photo sticks claim to avoid copying the same photo twice, but figuring out what counts as a duplicate can be tricky. Sometimes, even photos that look similar but are different sizes might not be seen as duplicates.
- Limited Storage: Yes, they have storage capacities, but they might not accommodate your entire photo collection and this can result in needing multiple sticks.
- Cloud Backup Confusion: If your device has options to back up your photos to the cloud like iCloud or Google Photos, using a photo stick alongside could end up duplicating your efforts. This might lead to confusion.
- Disorganization and Loss: Keeping your photos on a small device like a photo stick, there's a higher chance of losing them. This could become a big problem if your device stops working or goes missing.
Instead of relying solely on photo sticks, consider a more comprehensive strategy that ensures the long-term safety of your memories. Here’s what should you do:
- Gather all your photos into a single folder on your computer, usually a File Folder called “Photos To Organize”
- Clean up folders and remove duplicate photos within your collection.
- Use Photo Sweeper or Duplicate Photos Fixer Pro. Watch this video on how to get rid of duplicate photos.
- Once it is organized, Move to “Master Family Photos” folder.
We recommend you to watch our FREE Ten Point Photo Estate Class so you can get a step-by-step plan to sort and save all your family memories.
Remember, photo sticks are not foolproof when protecting your photos from data corruption or viruses. While they can serve as a backup, but any device can still be susceptible to malware or hardware failures. Therefore, relying solely on a photo stick as your backup solution may not provide the level of security and reliability that you desire for your family memories.
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