How Do You Date Old Family Photos?

Dating old photos can be a way to connect with your family's history. Here are some essential tips to help you date old photos:
Look for context clues: Check for dates written or printed on the photos. Look for duplicates or similar photos with dates written on them. Check notes written on envelopes or album pages. At the very least, estimate the decade.
Create an age chart: You can watch the video about Tips on Dating Old Photos and download the age chart in the description box. Sometimes, creating an age chart for your parents and grandparents can help as well.
Check out resources we like: There are some great resources out there to help you date old photos. Check out “Judging the Authenticity of Photographs” by David Cycleback or visit Maureen Taylor – The Photo Detective’s website.
You can also watch videos like “Dating Old Photos” by the Museum of South Texas or visit websites like or
There are some great resources out there to help you date old photos. Check out “Judging the Authenticity of Photographs” by David Cycleback or visit Maureen Taylor – The Photo Detective’s website.
You can also watch videos like “Dating Old Photos” by the Museum of South Texas or visit websites like or
Once you've accurately dated a photo, don't forget to update its metadata.